
Getting written up for being upset and having a loud voice

Recently i got written up because back in may i got upset with a Team Leader (TL) on the next shift (I work on the afternoon shift and end with night shift) where they sent everyone one as work was done, but me and another associate who said behind to help get a job done that goes much faster the more hands you have. When we went to go see if we could also go home we were denied as they said we had to do this other job that people were already doing and it wouldn't take them long to do it either. Now i also need to note that that associate and I have the highest seniority of our workers, me being 2nd highers and her being 3rd. So i go in there and i am upset, they send home everyone else, and i say how we stayed…

Recently i got written up because back in may i got upset with a Team Leader (TL) on the next shift (I work on the afternoon shift and end with night shift) where they sent everyone one as work was done, but me and another associate who said behind to help get a job done that goes much faster the more hands you have. When we went to go see if we could also go home we were denied as they said we had to do this other job that people were already doing and it wouldn't take them long to do it either. Now i also need to note that that associate and I have the highest seniority of our workers, me being 2nd highers and her being 3rd.

So i go in there and i am upset, they send home everyone else, and i say how we stayed to help and now it feels like we are being punished for it, the TL then interrupted me by saying “woah woah woah” because he didnt like that i said it felt like we were being punished, i tell him not to interrupt me as it is rude and disrespectful, because they love to preach about respect. My manager eventually came up to me and asked if we could speak outside the office and i went with him no problem and we talked about the matter. Now i have a loud voice naturally, i try to keep my voice down and soft when i can but when i get emotional its something that slips as my mind is not really thinking about making sure i am not to loud.

When i got written up they were trying to say how i was rude and that the TLs were trying to de-escalate when it really felt like the opposite. I am someone who has been with this company for 9 years have worked with my TLs to try and give input on how to make the workplace better, attend any grassroots i can, but they just seems to be out to get me. I am looking for another job right now because my mental health cannot take where i am at anymore, i worry that if i speak to a TL that they might find my voice disrespectful and write me up again.

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