
give it to me straight

i am a cook working 6a-2:30pm M-F in a hotel kitchen. my schedule randomly said 8a-4:30pm this week. I assumed it was a mistake and have been coming in like normal. I didn't bring it up with my Exec Chef because he's hard to talk to and I figured he would confront me if he had a reason to want me there at 8. Today, a different Chef comes up to me and informs me the only full-time (FT) sanitation worker is quitting, and they want me to take over his job of cleaning and restocking the break room with food every day. He said I'm “good with sustainability” and a “people person” and partly why I was chosen . He also said the buffet I work isn't busy enough for the two FT's and a temp to work it all day (current staff) so this extra task shouldn't impact…

i am a cook working 6a-2:30pm M-F in a hotel kitchen. my schedule randomly said 8a-4:30pm this week. I assumed it was a mistake and have been coming in like normal. I didn't bring it up with my Exec Chef because he's hard to talk to and I figured he would confront me if he had a reason to want me there at 8.

Today, a different Chef comes up to me and informs me the only full-time (FT) sanitation worker is quitting, and they want me to take over his job of cleaning and restocking the break room with food every day. He said I'm “good with sustainability” and a “people person” and partly why I was chosen . He also said the buffet I work isn't busy enough for the two FT's and a temp to work it all day (current staff) so this extra task shouldn't impact us too much.

I was shocked because
1. This has always been something sanitation takes care of
2. I don't know if they're hiring a replacement FT sanitation person
3. There's at least 3 other full-timers/temps already working these hours that were not picked.
4. I'm being expected to change my schedule (ik it isn't a huuuge change but I greatly prefer 6am shifts bc of my animals & that's what the previous sanitation break room guy worked) and take on another department's work with no warning, no bonus pay, nothing but “hey, Exec Chef wants you doing this now cause someone has to.”
5. The Exec Chef even told this other chef to tell me because I guess he didn't wanna bother with it.

Am I being a drama queen? I feel like a brat throwing a tantrum over something unavoidable, but I also feel like it's disrespectful to not warn me or ask if I even wanted to do this. I will probably talk to Exec Chef tomorrow but I don't know what to do or say. criticism/advice much appreciated 🥴🥴🥴🥴

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