
Gossipy coworker

Generally interested on how everyone deals with gossipy, and trouble maker co workers? I have one at my job. Unfortunately they are also the office favorite. They go out of their way to tell people what other co workers say about them, and brown nose to the boss while also talking crap about others that brown nose. The boss lets this person refer family members, and friends, and has hired 2 of them. So if you get a disagreement with them, you have their family against you as well. One person stood up to them before, and now they trash that person so bad whenever they are not in the office. Not to mention the inappropriate stuff we are all subjected to hearing as well. I don’t complain because the company has a “good ol boys”, mentality so nothing will probably be done, and then retaliation more then likely. Just…

Generally interested on how everyone deals with gossipy, and trouble maker co workers?

I have one at my job. Unfortunately they are also the office favorite. They go out of their way to tell people what other co workers say about them, and brown nose to the boss while also talking crap about others that brown nose. The boss lets this person refer family members, and friends, and has hired 2 of them. So if you get a disagreement with them, you have their family against you as well.

One person stood up to them before, and now they trash that person so bad whenever they are not in the office. Not to mention the inappropriate stuff we are all subjected to hearing as well. I don’t complain because the company has a “good ol boys”, mentality so nothing will probably be done, and then retaliation more then likely. Just looking for a work from home job to get away from it.

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