
Got Passed Over at my job. Now they are looking for help.

This is a vent, not so much a bashing of the company I work for. More of a I told you so… . A Co-Worker gave his resignation where I work. I work in sales at a building supplies company, and we are basically account managers. So after he resigned, his accounts (10-12 million book of business), got moved to a co-worker of mine, and I got completely passed over…again… I voiced my frustration to my bosses on why they couldn't split up his book of business between the 2 of us, but it fell on deaf ears, Basically got told “Well you got the last big account that we brought on, and now it's his turn to get rewarded”. So that was that. Now a few weeks later, as I suspected at the outset, my co-worker that got all of his business is struggling to maintain his book of…

This is a vent, not so much a bashing of the company I work for. More of a I told you so…


A Co-Worker gave his resignation where I work. I work in sales at a building supplies company, and we are basically account managers. So after he resigned, his accounts (10-12 million book of business), got moved to a co-worker of mine, and I got completely passed over…again…

I voiced my frustration to my bosses on why they couldn't split up his book of business between the 2 of us, but it fell on deaf ears, Basically got told “Well you got the last big account that we brought on, and now it's his turn to get rewarded”. So that was that.

Now a few weeks later, as I suspected at the outset, my co-worker that got all of his business is struggling to maintain his book of business as well as the co-workers that got basically handed to him. And now my bosses are coming to me pleading with me to help my co-worker out with his workload as he is struggling maintaining both.

If I agree, I would get about 1/3 of the book of business that was given to my co-worker. Which would equate to a big increase in commission (about 35-40k annually), which is nothing to sneeze at. But the fact that they are coming crawling back to me to take this on, when I made it fully aware to my bosses that I could handle the entire book of business, and demonstrating to them that I could handle it, I was still passed over.

Every part of me wants to tell them to pound sand, and that you dug this grave yourself. But it's also a lot of money to pass up because they couldn't come to the realization that I was the better choice. This has basically led me to the “quiet quitting” stage of doing absolutely just the required necessities of my position, and not going above and beyond anymore for this company.

I guess I am just looking for not so much guidance, but if other people have been in this position, and if they swallowed their pride. I have also recently started looking at other employment opportunities elsewhere. As it is now clear to me where I stand within this company.

EDIT: TO clarify, the last “big account” that we landed have done next to no business with us since they came on with us. They haven't even done 500k with us since they came on over a year ago. But I was sold the line of this account doing 5-6 million a year with my company.

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