
Guys if anybody needs help figuring out there next step let me know.

I have been very fortunate with my career and how I have utilized specific job functions to display on my resume and advance me up the chain. None of us dream of labor but it is something we all have to do and we might as well make money and not absolutely hate it. If anybody needs help, forward me your resume and an idea of what you would like to do and I will try my best to help you tidy everything up and advance. Edit: Wrong “THEIR” in the title is really IRKING me

I have been very fortunate with my career and how I have utilized specific job functions to display on my resume and advance me up the chain. None of us dream of labor but it is something we all have to do and we might as well make money and not absolutely hate it. If anybody needs help, forward me your resume and an idea of what you would like to do and I will try my best to help you tidy everything up and advance.

Edit: Wrong “THEIR” in the title is really IRKING me

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