
Higher up giving me shit for clocking out early

I work as a lifeguard making close to minimum wage. At my pool between the hours of 8pm-9pm we never have any people come to the swim. Some nights we close early and go home at about 8:15 (we have no boss to tell us otherwise because the company doesn’t want to pay for someone to be pool-operator certified at our pool). My coworkers wait until 9pm to clock out even though they left early too. A higher-up just emailed me and is badgering me wanting to know why I’ve been clocking out early; this is the first time anyone from the company has given a fuck about anything that goes on at this pool. They usually act like we don’t exist, now all of a sudden they give a fuck that I am clocking out early. My best guess is that they’re trying to catch my coworkers for time…

I work as a lifeguard making close to minimum wage. At my pool between the hours of 8pm-9pm we never have any people come to the swim. Some nights we close early and go home at about 8:15 (we have no boss to tell us otherwise because the company doesn’t want to pay for someone to be pool-operator certified at our pool). My coworkers wait until 9pm to clock out even though they left early too. A higher-up just emailed me and is badgering me wanting to know why I’ve been clocking out early; this is the first time anyone from the company has given a fuck about anything that goes on at this pool. They usually act like we don’t exist, now all of a sudden they give a fuck that I am clocking out early. My best guess is that they’re trying to catch my coworkers for time theft. It’s interesting that they’re willing to break laws and have no one pool-op certified but they’re not okay with someone clocking out a few minutes early/late.

Tl;Dr my company getting mad at me for clocking out early for literally no reason

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