
How do you guys manage to maintain working for a long time?

I don't even do things I like 8 hours a day 5 days a week, that would be called an addiction, an obsession, that would be seen as unhealthy, to do same thing that you like for 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Meanwhile they expect people to do the same thing 5 days a week for 8 hours for basically life. ​ How does anyone manage it? How does it make sense? It seems to be the qualifying factor for making working that amount healthy rather than unhealthy is money, that is literally qualifier in our society, as long as it makes money it ok. Its shows how one dimensional and sick our society is. Its warped. I play video games like 6-8 hours a day, science say that's unhealthy, I shouldn't do it, I then look at people going to same place doing the same thing…

I don't even do things I like 8 hours a day 5 days a week, that would be called an addiction, an obsession, that would be seen as unhealthy, to do same thing that you like for 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Meanwhile they expect people to do the same thing 5 days a week for 8 hours for basically life.

How does anyone manage it? How does it make sense? It seems to be the qualifying factor for making working that amount healthy rather than unhealthy is money, that is literally qualifier in our society, as long as it makes money it ok. Its shows how one dimensional and sick our society is. Its warped.

I play video games like 6-8 hours a day, science say that's unhealthy, I shouldn't do it, I then look at people going to same place doing the same thing 5 days a week. I at least play different games.

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