
How Many Disabled People Are Able to Continue To Work Because of WFH

I was already working from home full time for a couple of years when Covid hit. But, since I've worked full time from home I've started having health problems – autoimmune – that caues extreme pain, fatique, all that good stuff that comes with an autoimmune disease. But, I'm still able to work even though I do have to miss sometimes because of this condition or medical appointments. I am 100% sure that there is no freaking way, I could go into the office even once or twice a week. Most days I go to bed by 8, and then don't get up until 10 or 15 minutes before I have to start working. My old office is between 40 minutes to an hour from my home with traffic. If there's no traffic it's 20 minutes. It has made me wonder – how many other people are there like me…

I was already working from home full time for a couple of years when Covid hit. But, since I've worked full time from home I've started having health problems – autoimmune – that caues extreme pain, fatique, all that good stuff that comes with an autoimmune disease. But, I'm still able to work even though I do have to miss sometimes because of this condition or medical appointments. I am 100% sure that there is no freaking way, I could go into the office even once or twice a week. Most days I go to bed by 8, and then don't get up until 10 or 15 minutes before I have to start working. My old office is between 40 minutes to an hour from my home with traffic. If there's no traffic it's 20 minutes.

It has made me wonder – how many other people are there like me – people who are damn good at theri jobs, but the only reason they're able to keep working is because of full time WFH?

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