
How to creatively spite new dress code?

I work in retail for a major athletic clothing brand. Our previous dress code allowed us to wear pretty much anything, as long as it had no visible branding of competing brands. (This didn’t apply to socks, we could wear whatever). This meant we could wear jerseys, graphic tees, etc… Our new dress code came out today, and we are now being told we cannot wear “visible non-(our brand) logos or graphics, OR visible non – (our brand) printed messages, words, or statements.” How can I go about spiting this whilst still fitting in our new guidelines? All that’s left is clothing with no images or words at all, or clothes from the company I work for. I’m also being told I cannot wear Nike socks anymore, which is all I own, and I’m not buying new socks to please my store. Thoughts?

I work in retail for a major athletic clothing brand.

Our previous dress code allowed us to wear pretty much anything, as long as it had no visible branding of competing brands. (This didn’t apply to socks, we could wear whatever). This meant we could wear jerseys, graphic tees, etc…

Our new dress code came out today, and we are now being told we cannot wear “visible non-(our brand) logos or graphics, OR visible non – (our brand) printed messages, words, or statements.”

How can I go about spiting this whilst still fitting in our new guidelines? All that’s left is clothing with no images or words at all, or clothes from the company I work for. I’m also being told I cannot wear Nike socks anymore, which is all I own, and I’m not buying new socks to please my store. Thoughts?

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