
How to quit your job politely?

26F here, i work at a research organization on a contract of about 06 months.. SO far it has been 04 months and i can not wait to leave the place as soon as possible. There are multiple reasons why i will not be extending my contract for example the job description on the ad was wildly different from what i was made to do in the office, the working hours were said to be 9 to 3 but for 3 months, we did 9 to 9 and only last week, we get free at 5, we didn't have a manager only one employee who was senior to most of us by 5 months, the higher ups gave petty cash to the admin for us to buy food or whatever whenever we stayed late but the admin took that money for themselves and initially the gave us transport from work…

26F here, i work at a research organization on a contract of about 06 months.. SO far it has been 04 months and i can not wait to leave the place as soon as possible.

There are multiple reasons why i will not be extending my contract for example the job description on the ad was wildly different from what i was made to do in the office, the working hours were said to be 9 to 3 but for 3 months, we did 9 to 9 and only last week, we get free at 5, we didn't have a manager only one employee who was senior to most of us by 5 months, the higher ups gave petty cash to the admin for us to buy food or whatever whenever we stayed late but the admin took that money for themselves and initially the gave us transport from work to home but after 05 days they revoked that and told us to go by our own convenience . Biggest reason being for me was that there was no personal growth for me, employing new ideas wasn't met with enthusiasm and there was a lot of back-stabbing and tattling, and also since i travel from far away to my office and have no car of my own, i have to use taxi/ van services that rack up almost half my salary.

I am wondering on how to quit as nicely as possible so that my employers give me my experience certificate and let me leave quickly without a fuss (they are notorious for not giving employees their certificates on time, talked to an ex-employee who left the institute 06 months back and still has not received it).

Any advice?


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