
How to respond to boss that wants to use peer pressure to get me to come into the office 5 days a week?

This is a long story, so I will try and keep it short. I've been working at my current place of employment as the office manager for almost 3 years now. When I was first brought on, I was a hybrid schedule, working in the office 3 days a week. This was great for my work/life balance and mental health. That is until a co-worker of mine decided to try and take it away. I am the office manager so I am the front desk person. I deal with many people that come into the office as well as pulling keys for contractors (company is property management) I do my best to have things prepped and ready to be picked up if need be when I am scheduled to work from home. The co-worker in question was hired after I was brought on (3-4 months) and was to be in…

This is a long story, so I will try and keep it short. I've been working at my current place of employment as the office manager for almost 3 years now. When I was first brought on, I was a hybrid schedule, working in the office 3 days a week. This was great for my work/life balance and mental health. That is until a co-worker of mine decided to try and take it away. I am the office manager so I am the front desk person. I deal with many people that come into the office as well as pulling keys for contractors (company is property management) I do my best to have things prepped and ready to be picked up if need be when I am scheduled to work from home. The co-worker in question was hired after I was brought on (3-4 months) and was to be in the office 5 days a week. That was their working agreement. Since working here, they have complained to my boss multiple times about needing a front desk person M-F, 9-5. It went on for so long, and she complained so frequently, that my boss told me at the end of last year I needed to be in the office 4 days a week. I set aside time to meet with my boss, to explain that I was happy with my work schedule and that I didn't want it to change. My boss told me that people in the office have been asking for me to come in more and it would be a benefit for the company to have me at my desk more. I asked them if they saw an issue with my work performance to request I be in the office more, they said they had no complaints of my work, but that it would be best for the company for me to be in the office. So in January, I've been in the office 4 days a week. This however, was not enough for my coworker, who has continued to complain to my boss about me needing to be in the office 5 days a week. They recently sent an email to my boss right at 5 o'clock last Friday stating I needed to be in the office M-F, and copied our team. My boss responded to her, and said that they would talk to me, but that they should too and get the others in the office to “peer pressure” me into coming in more. I'm not sure if they knew I was copied on the email they sent.

I find this to be EXTREMELY unprofessional and I am trying to find the words to reply as I'm tired of providing quality work and being punished because one person in the office thinks I should be there more. What makes this extra frustrating, is that the coworker requesting I be in the office more is the worst employee for the company. They constantly overlook things, don't read emails, don't communicate when things need to be done, listens to music openly, and takes multiple personal calls at their desk. People are constantly fixing her mistakes.

What advice can be given on how best to reply?

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