
How will unions adapt after the Supreme Court case?

With the Supreme Court voting 6 to 1 in favor of allowing companies to sue unions for lost revenue. I feel a gut punch has been dealt to the labor movement. But the labor movement has always fought on. So I have to ask, how can the labor movement and unions as a whole adapt to this increasingly hostile world? On the way in to work I envisioned some kind of strike fund pooled in from unions of simmiler fields of work to help finance court cases and the like as a method of working but I don't know how realistic that idea is. So what do you folks think in terms of unions adapting?

With the Supreme Court voting 6 to 1 in favor of allowing companies to sue unions for lost revenue. I feel a gut punch has been dealt to the labor movement. But the labor movement has always fought on. So I have to ask, how can the labor movement and unions as a whole adapt to this increasingly hostile world? On the way in to work I envisioned some kind of strike fund pooled in from unions of simmiler fields of work to help finance court cases and the like as a method of working but I don't know how realistic that idea is. So what do you folks think in terms of unions adapting?

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