
I am excited to announce my leaving my old company in the dust

I am a pca. A contracted worker for a personal aide company. The people I work for now are wildly kinder and more understanding than my old job. There's three main contrasts. For one meeting with the person to sign paperwork to start the job. Old company the boss came in and yelled at me for smelling bad. (Pls see old post here for that full story). This company the guy came out and didn't have a problem with me. He explained things completely including how payments work. This brings me to the second contrast. He explained how things work regarding how much they're paid and how much I'll be paid. His doing this made me feel valued as an employee. My old boss told me that no min wage worker gets anything more than she's willing to pay and I can take I or leave it. If I or…

I am a pca. A contracted worker for a personal aide company. The people I work for now are wildly kinder and more understanding than my old job. There's three main contrasts.

For one meeting with the person to sign paperwork to start the job. Old company the boss came in and yelled at me for smelling bad. (Pls see old post here for that full story). This company the guy came out and didn't have a problem with me. He explained things completely including how payments work. This brings me to the second contrast.

He explained how things work regarding how much they're paid and how much I'll be paid. His doing this made me feel valued as an employee. My old boss told me that no min wage worker gets anything more than she's willing to pay and I can take I or leave it. If I or any other worker brought up what the living wage was in our state she threatened firing.

Third contrast. Heard through the small town local grapevine that someone else used to work for new job and had to quit for personal reasons. I think they was moving. The response from New work place was we are sorry to see you go and we hope your new job will treat you right. My old boss berated me and my client for leaving the company attempting to emotionally blackmail us into staying. The text she sent my client went something like

“Hope y'all don't get in a bind n need help – there is no way they are paying that much a hour- all agencies get xx.xx a hour- so they will settle for x.xx cents a hour their part ? No way – like I said if they do it's because they are using that grant money as a temporary raise increase instead of a bonus – so when March gets here – which is less than a year from now – that increase will stop – if she even actually gets it ! We have had a few leave because of false promises and they came right back –
(spoiler alert we know the people she's talking about and no they did not. In fact patients and aides alike are bailing left and right. )
Heck I bought her new washer(new washer for client/sister not me ) and food before – clothes for y'all
(she never bought clothes) but I guess it boils down to – y'all's loss not mine – GOD bless ya
The bonuses she gets from us adds up to a lot more a hour when you add that in / so she was making good and Again – all she had to do is communicate
(I communicated constantly only to be threatened with being fired)
Other day overdrafted her account and I helped her (I got a mandated bonus. Not any help) -no one will do that but it's ok – we have had you many many years – take care”

I have already reported her to what ever authorities were necessary including the medical agencies she answers to. Turns out they have laws for mistreating aides and I saved all the texts of her abuses towards me. The only one I don't have evidence to is her berating me for my smell. And even that was just a rant to destroy my feelings.

TLDR- old boss sucks new bosses make me feel valued.

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