
I am so sick of applying to places to hear no one wants to work changed too there are no jobs

My jobs are continuing to cut hours cross the board. This week two of them said i cannot work this week, i am barred from picking up shifts. One coworker cannot get a shift covered not because no one wants to cover it but because the 3 people who said they could the store said “no you can't your not allowed to work this week period” Like fucking hell there are signs and managers saying we are short staffed all over the placs one small problem in reality once you actually ask for a job or a worker there says they know someone who wants to work its revealed Most of these places aren't hiring, most of these places the whole “no one wants to work” is a facade to intentionally overwork a smaller workforce for less hours and pay. They have no intent of fixing this issue. If they…

My jobs are continuing to cut hours cross the board. This week two of them said i cannot work this week, i am barred from picking up shifts. One coworker cannot get a shift covered not because no one wants to cover it but because the 3 people who said they could the store said “no you can't your not allowed to work this week period”

Like fucking hell there are signs and managers saying we are short staffed all over the placs one small problem in reality once you actually ask for a job or a worker there says they know someone who wants to work its revealed

Most of these places aren't hiring, most of these places the whole “no one wants to work” is a facade to intentionally overwork a smaller workforce for less hours and pay. They have no intent of fixing this issue. If they did there wouldn't be employees begging for hours but only getting 4 hrs a week despite being understaffed.

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