
I can’t afford to pay my roommates rent if they move out. What do I tell my landlords? (Michigan)

The title is very summed up but I'll break down my situation. I know Michigan is not a renter-friendly state but I am renting a place with 2 other guys that I don't know at all. The day I went to sign the lease, one of them got a 30-day eviction notice. Now, the other roommate and I are scrambling to find another tenant, this should not be my concern. I signed a lease but they are having us redo it when we find a 3rd; so I am going to get the other tenants on board and negotiate to not be liable for eachother if one moves out. I don't mind helping to find other roommates but I should not have to pay 3x my rent if they decide to leave (I don't know them and I can't afford it – full time student/worker). It shouldn't work this way.…

The title is very summed up but I'll break down my situation. I know Michigan is not a renter-friendly state but I am renting a place with 2 other guys that I don't know at all. The day I went to sign the lease, one of them got a 30-day eviction notice. Now, the other roommate and I are scrambling to find another tenant, this should not be my concern.

I signed a lease but they are having us redo it when we find a 3rd; so I am going to get the other tenants on board and negotiate to not be liable for eachother if one moves out. I don't mind helping to find other roommates but I should not have to pay 3x my rent if they decide to leave (I don't know them and I can't afford it – full time student/worker).

It shouldn't work this way.

The landlords seem decent so I think I can convince them that this is my only requirement, but I am already moved in. I plan to stay here for the foreseeable future and I should be able to just rent my room where I keep to myself; and not be liable for people that I don't even know.

I think if I come at them with a united front and tell them that if that happens, I literally will not pay it because I can't afford it; and I have no recourse or family to help me. I'll take any advice or if you have any experience with this in Michigan, I appreciate all the help I can get.

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