
I did it for 6 months.

So I got hired at this company through a temp agency in May of this year to run some machinery. Everything went fine at first, my boss was (seemed to be) cool and the work was enjoyable… Until the time came to be hired on full time. Everyone said that “you're getting a raise going on full time,” and it was put in writing. Well, first full time paycheck comes and it's the exact same rate I was paid as a temp. I asked my boss, ”yo, what's up?” and was told “you haven't been here long enough.” And I'm just standing here mouth agape, “so why did you tell us that happens immediately, as does this paperwork?” No response except “look, you have to have us to survive. Get over it.” Next time it's brought up I get “don't worry, it's coming.” Month goes by and it still hasn't…

So I got hired at this company through a temp agency in May of this year to run some machinery. Everything went fine at first, my boss was (seemed to be) cool and the work was enjoyable… Until the time came to be hired on full time. Everyone said that “you're getting a raise going on full time,” and it was put in writing.

Well, first full time paycheck comes and it's the exact same rate I was paid as a temp. I asked my boss, ”yo, what's up?” and was told “you haven't been here long enough.” And I'm just standing here mouth agape, “so why did you tell us that happens immediately, as does this paperwork?” No response except “look, you have to have us to survive. Get over it.”

Next time it's brought up I get “don't worry, it's coming.” Month goes by and it still hasn't happened, and at this point I'm considering starving to death before I tolerate any more of this bullshit. Finally, “wait, you're getting paid x? Everyone thought you were getting paid more than that.” So accounting and HR didn't even know what was up! Still, it did not get fixed.

Finally I complained to my boss without losing my temper; “look, dude, this is wrong. You gave the other guy that came in with me a raise but not me. He doesn't even work as hard! He spends most of his day smoking on the factory floor and watching porn in the bathroom.” Still didn't get fixed… My whole shift agreed this was bullshit. So we complained amongst ourselves… Until Tuesday morning when they decided to fire all of us (over text) for complaining about the fact that we were being discriminated against, which I'm pretty sure is completely illegal. They shot themselves in the foot on this one, because “your department isn't going to be affected by layoffs.” Amazingly, after complaining we were “laid off.”

Jokes on them for thinking I “had” to have them, because the first company I called asked what happened and hired me less than 6 hours later. It's closer, pays better, and hopefully doesn't engage in deceptive hiring practices and covering up workplace injuries.

I left them reviews on Google (which they tried to suppress) and other job boards, and OSHA was less than pleased to hear they made us work with volatile solvents with no PPE. I imagine the fines they'll be paying dwarf the damage they would have suffered if they'd paid me as promised.

Thank you for reading.

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