
I did something I regret doing, and my panic and anxiety would have been less if I didn’t. Have I broken the law?

Our supervisors don’t have their heads screwed on right. They constantly change the scheduled times without telling us. For some dumb reason, they tell us that we’re not supposed to go by the online schedule. We are only supposed to go by the paper schedule on the wall. But both the paper schedule AND the online schedule say I am supposed to work 4 PM-11 PM tomorrow. But on the break sheet, it was changed to 3. Even worse, there is ANOTHER copy of the schedule up at the front, and that one actually says 3-11 too! Where I really screwed up was I scratched 3 out on the break sheet and wrote 4 (there were a bunch of scratch outs and corrections, but that was by a supervisor. We are constantly told by all the supervisors, that we are NOT SUPPOSED TO EVER LOOK AT THE BREAK SHEET. But…

Our supervisors don’t have their heads screwed on right. They constantly change the scheduled times without telling us.

For some dumb reason, they tell us that we’re not supposed to go by the online schedule. We are only supposed to go by the paper schedule on the wall.

But both the paper schedule AND the online schedule say I am supposed to work 4 PM-11 PM tomorrow.

But on the break sheet, it was changed to 3. Even worse, there is ANOTHER copy of the schedule up at the front, and that one actually says 3-11 too!

Where I really screwed up was I scratched 3 out on the break sheet and wrote 4 (there were a bunch of scratch outs and corrections, but that was by a supervisor.

We are constantly told by all the supervisors, that we are NOT SUPPOSED TO EVER LOOK AT THE BREAK SHEET. But this is EXACTLY WHY I ALWAYS DO.

Now I’m afraid that not only are they going to easily figure out I scratched my time to correct it myself, but they’re going to look at the schedule up there and initially think I’m trying to commit time fraud or something, thinking I’m trying to “change my own tone”. And everyone else will be mad at me and talk shyt about me thinking I’m late.

But the original schedule, which is both still hanging on the wall, AND I have a picture of it, says I work 4 PM-11 PM. But they’re not going to look at that one first.

I highly regret scratching it out myself now, because not only will that be seen as me “crossing a boundary” or whatever, but it’ll look like I’m trying to get away with going in later.

I should have just left it alone so I could maintain complete ignorance, and of course show the original schedule as proof.

I can still claim to not know about the “updated” schedule, but they literally tell us to go by the one on the wall, which DOES SAY 4, and even the online schedule says 4.

The supervisors are incompetent AF, constantly changing our time without even telling us, literally the day before.

It’s already a regular occurrence for someone to come in and they say “oh we accidentally wrote the wrong time down from what the schedule says.

But THIS TIME there’s a NEW schedule that reflects the incorrect break sheet.

I shouldn’t have touched and just showed them the “OFFICIAL” schedule (as they call it) one hour later when I get there.

I’m literally having a panic attack from what I did. I would have still had anxiety knowing that the dumb supervisor and coworkers would THINK I’m late, but not as bad as them being able to say that I “tampered” or “violate” the break sheet/schedule.

It might actually be good for me to get fired, because then I’d be FORCED to try another job, but it’s not ideal to lose your job without having another waiting to start right away.

It felt like a lose lose situation, but I think I made it worse by scratching it out and correcting it myself. I just panic from everyone getting mad at me and accusing me of being late, even though the actual schedule proves my scheduled time.

I can frame it as I’m trying to be considerate so THEY won’t panic thinking I’m late or not showing up (because they’re stupid idiots) but they’ll still probably say “You’re still not supposed to be looking at that break sheet, and you have NO BUSINESS scratching out and writing on it).”

Then stop changing our times without telling us about it.

Once I did it, there was no going back. It was pen, even white out would be obvious because the printed time would be missing.

Am I overreacting?

Last time they changed the time and THOUGHT I was late, I didn’t get yelled at or anything. But I’m just freaking out because they’d look at a schedule that ALSO shows the time changed from 4 to 3, without necessarily walking their ass to look at the “original posted” one.

I even have union protection! So I should have been fine, right? But now I went and scratched and marked on the break sheet myself, which we’re “not supposed to even look at”. This is exactly why we HAVE to look though. “Why are you late? Oh, they put the wrong time in!”

This job does nothing but make me feel worse about myself, but I suck at everything so life will be hell for me anywhere. I’m only still alive because I’m afraid of what we might experience (or not experience) after death.

I’m nothing but a burden as is, no matter how hard I try.

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