
I Don’t Have Many Options

I joined a pretty small in-house company as a glorified personal assistant to the General Manager at the beginning of March. They pay enough that I can cover my obnoxiously high rent and still live happily after which is important to me. I like everything about the job apart from my boss. He's been harassing me since the first day. He's quite infuriating to all our staff but I am the only woman. He comments on how good I look, he's always offering personal favors and he's touched me here and there – tried to hug me, grazed a thigh or left his hand on it as I sat beside him in a meeting. I put up with it because I just came out of an unemployment period that drained my savings and I'm in a pretty large amount of credit card debt I'm trying to pay off as well.…

I joined a pretty small in-house company as a glorified personal assistant to the General Manager at the beginning of March. They pay enough that I can cover my obnoxiously high rent and still live happily after which is important to me.

I like everything about the job apart from my boss. He's been harassing me since the first day. He's quite infuriating to all our staff but I am the only woman. He comments on how good I look, he's always offering personal favors and he's touched me here and there – tried to hug me, grazed a thigh or left his hand on it as I sat beside him in a meeting. I put up with it because I just came out of an unemployment period that drained my savings and I'm in a pretty large amount of credit card debt I'm trying to pay off as well. Today he grabbed my neck. I don't know why but this freaked me out more than anything else, maybe because it's so direct.

I've talked to him once before about his behavior and comments thinking if we're adults then we can solve it that way but he gaslighted me by saying he didn't know he couldn't be friendly with me that I'm overthinking all of it. He often brings up that he'll fire me over anything and that he did me a favor by hiring me with little experience and on a way higher salary than usual for the role.

He is basically the whole reason this company does as well as it does, especially our location, for 15 years so I can't imagine them not pulling strings for him. No matter how I report this I'll lose this job I really need. I am basically HR myself anyway.

I know I need to start looking for jobs but I wanted this job to put on my resume and I need at least a year here for it to look good. It's in an industry I wanted to get into and everything but his behavior is perfect. I'm living every day telling myself to just get through this day- this week, this month.

Thanks to anyone who read this. Fuck corporate structure and profit prioritizing and work.

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