
I feel like the general population doesn’t know just how bad manufacturing is.

Hi, I'm from the south east of the United States and around me are as follows. Several fiberglass manufacturers, several nuclear power plants, paper recycling and manufacturing, plastics manufacturing, and mass food and soda manufacturing. As someone who (due to their line of work) has been in all of these places I have to say. No one is paid nearly enough for work that's taking years off their lives. When around the fiberglass places any clothing you wear can't be washed with anyone else's clothes or tiny bits of fiberglass will get in there and itch like hell. And respirators and hazmat suits aren't required or provided without request or need. Breathing this shit in every day. At the food plants shits so unsanitary it'll make you never want to eat again. Nuclear people end up with cancer or their eyesight starts going out, plastic manufacturing same as fiberglass pretty…

Hi, I'm from the south east of the United States and around me are as follows. Several fiberglass manufacturers, several nuclear power plants, paper recycling and manufacturing, plastics manufacturing, and mass food and soda manufacturing. As someone who (due to their line of work) has been in all of these places I have to say. No one is paid nearly enough for work that's taking years off their lives. When around the fiberglass places any clothing you wear can't be washed with anyone else's clothes or tiny bits of fiberglass will get in there and itch like hell. And respirators and hazmat suits aren't required or provided without request or need. Breathing this shit in every day. At the food plants shits so unsanitary it'll make you never want to eat again. Nuclear people end up with cancer or their eyesight starts going out, plastic manufacturing same as fiberglass pretty much, and other issues similar. These people are making less than 15$ an hour most of the time and are working 6-7 days a week. Like why are these unsafe conditions not talked about more. (And before you say “get another job” unfortunately they're the only stable sources of income for a lot of families. It's truly work till you die out here)

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