
I got an irritated tone today for my physical health issues.

Hi, like a lot of others, I need to rant. There’s so many things I like about my retail job. I love a lot of managers at my job too. However not every manager there is so sweet of course. In my job there are bright ass lights. Lots of bright lights that are so strong that it makes something in my body act up every time I work. I know it’s my job because I’m always fine until I start my shift. Today, the dizziness really got to me so I had to go sit down. This isn’t no where the first time I had to do this. I guess one manager had enough with my shit because when he approached asking why I’m sitting, I started explaining my issues with dizziness and the lights, etc. He starts sounding frustrated with me saying “well we can’t just have you…

Hi, like a lot of others, I need to rant. There’s so many things I like about my retail job. I love a lot of managers at my job too. However not every manager there is so sweet of course.

In my job there are bright ass lights. Lots of bright lights that are so strong that it makes something in my body act up every time I work. I know it’s my job because I’m always fine until I start my shift.

Today, the dizziness really got to me so I had to go sit down. This isn’t no where the first time I had to do this. I guess one manager had enough with my shit because when he approached asking why I’m sitting, I started explaining my issues with dizziness and the lights, etc.

He starts sounding frustrated with me saying “well we can’t just have you sitting here on these cameras while everyone else is out there working.”

That was so wild after I talked to him earlier in the day when he caught me ranting and he asked me what’s wrong. I gave him the whole spiel that I just gave him at that irritation moment and clearly there was never any sympathy for me there even though he pretty much performed well and acted like it.

With this moment and the moment earlier in the day where another manager “politely asked” me to stand up when I was experiencing the dizziness and I tried to explain that, I’m pretty much going to head out when something I find good enough comes up.

Like I said there are amazingly nice managers at my job. Ones who always comforted me and were patient with me when I clock in. Mixed in with them are managers/supervisors who only care what corporate tells them to do like the two I’ve talked to.

P.S : On a positive note. Shout out to one of the nice managers who really felt for me so hard and even pointed me to a complaint form that I could complete against that manager and any others who were hurtful. She expressed to me that she’s seen the insensitivity from certain managers and is just as disgusted.

Also another kind manager who saw the irritated manager getting irritated with me and basically interrupted him and rescued me by offering to have me work with her and while I did, made sure to smile and say I was doing a great job that whole 5 minutes I had left in that shift. Both these managers kindness really made me cry in relief because of the amazing sympathy. These two are two of my favorites at my job.

TL;DR : Rude manager finally showed me how he can’t stand the way that the bright lights at my job affect me physically. Two kind managers stepped up for me and helped me out and I’m really grateful for them.

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