
I hate nosy co-workers.

I work very part-time and there's this guy that kept making comments to me where it was obvious he was trying to figure out how I make the rest of my income. He kept commenting things like “oh you must have another job right?” or “hard to pay the bills only working a few hours a week huh”. Finally, I got annoyed and told him that I run my own business online and that's how I make most of my money, I just do this to get out of the house and make a little extra cash on the side. And of course, he had a million questions about it. I just don't get why people are so nosy. Like why does someone else care about my financial situation or wonder how I afford my rent? Why does it matter!?!?

I work very part-time and there's this guy that kept making comments to me where it was obvious he was trying to figure out how I make the rest of my income. He kept commenting things like “oh you must have another job right?” or “hard to pay the bills only working a few hours a week huh”. Finally, I got annoyed and told him that I run my own business online and that's how I make most of my money, I just do this to get out of the house and make a little extra cash on the side. And of course, he had a million questions about it. I just don't get why people are so nosy. Like why does someone else care about my financial situation or wonder how I afford my rent? Why does it matter!?!?

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