
I hate that I feel guilty for using sick days I genuinely need on my last days of work

I can't help the feeling of guilt, even though I'm genuinely sick. Like, it's ingrained into my brain when I really shouldn't give a shit. They laid off so many of us and I'm supposed to just continue working with a smile on my face? But no instead I feel bad for not coming into work, as if I've ever enjoyed being there. Damned if I do and damned if I don't.

I can't help the feeling of guilt, even though I'm genuinely sick. Like, it's ingrained into my brain when I really shouldn't give a shit. They laid off so many of us and I'm supposed to just continue working with a smile on my face? But no instead I feel bad for not coming into work, as if I've ever enjoyed being there. Damned if I do and damned if I don't.

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