
I have to block this subreddit for my own mental health

I love the community on here and support for each other and really enjoy the overall message of this subreddit. However, I am filled with so much dread when I read the stuff on here that I nearly cry every time and it takes a severe toll on my mental health for days after. I know it is treating the symptoms not the disease however I think the disease of capitalism is a chronic one. I don’t see an end and I choose to try and just live a life content with my position in life. I wish everyone who reads this the best and continue to support any sort of pro union/ anti-capitalist movements.

I love the community on here and support for each other and really enjoy the overall message of this subreddit. However, I am filled with so much dread when I read the stuff on here that I nearly cry every time and it takes a severe toll on my mental health for days after. I know it is treating the symptoms not the disease however I think the disease of capitalism is a chronic one. I don’t see an end and I choose to try and just live a life content with my position in life. I wish everyone who reads this the best and continue to support any sort of pro union/ anti-capitalist movements.

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