
I lost my job and I’m so scared about money

This is just a rant because I’m having a breakdown and need to type this out while I cry. I lost my job a few weeks ago with no two weeks notice and I’ve been applying and searching and so far no luck. I’m in my 20s living in a huge expensive city on the other side of the country from my family and I just feel like I’m fucked. Everything is so goddamn expensive and I’m living paycheck to paycheck (well not right now lol fml) and I’m still fucking miserable. I’ve basically had to abandon what I really wanted to do and what I went to school for in order to not starve and keep a roof above my head. My body has adapted to eating once a day or sometimes not at all. I’m also getting kicked off my dad’s health insurance soon and I’m terrified of…

This is just a rant because I’m having a breakdown and need to type this out while I cry.

I lost my job a few weeks ago with no two weeks notice and I’ve been applying and searching and so far no luck. I’m in my 20s living in a huge expensive city on the other side of the country from my family and I just feel like I’m fucked. Everything is so goddamn expensive and I’m living paycheck to paycheck (well not right now lol fml) and I’m still fucking miserable. I’ve basically had to abandon what I really wanted to do and what I went to school for in order to not starve and keep a roof above my head. My body has adapted to eating once a day or sometimes not at all. I’m also getting kicked off my dad’s health insurance soon and I’m terrified of what my expenses will be when I don’t have it anymore. I have contacts/glasses and those are expensive as hell even with insurance, I also have a mental illness which essentially REQUIRES that I take meds and go to therapy if I want even a sliver of a chance at a normal life. I’m so scared to see what my medical bills will be when my insurance is gone and I’m terrified that I won’t be able to afford them. I know based on past instances that if I don’t have my meds I’m basically fucked and at extreme risk of hurting myself. I don’t want to work myself to death but I have so little hope that it’s going to get better. I feel like I’ve lost hope for my life and I’m fucking heartbroken. Idk. I really wanted to be happy.

I hope for what it’s worth all of you are doing okay. This sub reminds me that there are good people out there that want better for us.

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