
I made the cashier cry

I pulled in to the Hardee's drive through behind another car. They placed their order, pulled up to the window, and I waited. No one came over the speaker for me. No big deal, I'm still trying to figure out how to change my car clock for daylight saving time, so I fuck around with that while. After several minutes, a panicked voice came over the speaker. “I'm so so so sorry! How long have you been waiting?” I said, “It's totally fine” and placed my order, and she again apologized for the wait. When I got to the window, she again apologized profusely. I told her, “On behalf of all the people who have been shitty to you today, I promise I'm not one of them and I'm sorry you have to deal with that.” I saw her wipe a couple tears away as she ran my card. When…

I pulled in to the Hardee's drive through behind another car. They placed their order, pulled up to the window, and I waited. No one came over the speaker for me. No big deal, I'm still trying to figure out how to change my car clock for daylight saving time, so I fuck around with that while. After several minutes, a panicked voice came over the speaker. “I'm so so so sorry! How long have you been waiting?” I said, “It's totally fine” and placed my order, and she again apologized for the wait. When I got to the window, she again apologized profusely. I told her, “On behalf of all the people who have been shitty to you today, I promise I'm not one of them and I'm sorry you have to deal with that.” I saw her wipe a couple tears away as she ran my card. When I we were done and she gave me the standard “thank you and have a nice day,” I responded with, “I hope you have a wonderful day full of people being nice to you.”

Kindness costs nothing.

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