
I might get in trouble today

I have a lazy manager. He doesn't like doing the schedule or other managers' duties, likes to take long lunches and leaves early. He will not allow anyone else to do the schedule, though. When I was hired on, I was part-time with another part-time job. My first jobs schedule always came out at noon on Tuesday (unless there was a problem). Current manager didn't like that because he liked posting his schedule on Tuesdays, which now he was being forced to post it later. Within a month he offered me a full time position, making me the only non-managar position with full time. I didn't think much off it at the time. I came to realize it was because he didn't like playing with my first job. He told me I would have to quit my other job, I didn't. I went down to one day a week. He…

I have a lazy manager. He doesn't like doing the schedule or other managers' duties, likes to take long lunches and leaves early. He will not allow anyone else to do the schedule, though.

When I was hired on, I was part-time with another part-time job. My first jobs schedule always came out at noon on Tuesday (unless there was a problem). Current manager didn't like that because he liked posting his schedule on Tuesdays, which now he was being forced to post it later.

Within a month he offered me a full time position, making me the only non-managar position with full time. I didn't think much off it at the time. I came to realize it was because he didn't like playing with my first job. He told me I would have to quit my other job, I didn't. I went down to one day a week. He told me that original job has to work around HIS schedule. That was fine.

Except… each week I had to BEG for the schedule. Eventually he allowed me to work at the original job Thursdays until I quit.

Six months later and he still never posts the schedule on Tuesday. I found out that he tells everyone that but it's hardly out before Thursday.

Background over, why am I worried I will get in trouble? Well, I asked him on Wednesday if he was done with the schedule yet. He walked away without asking. Thursday I texted asking him to send it to me. This was before he should have left work. He said I would have to ask someone else. My patience with him was at zero so I told him I would not ask if he actually had the schedule out on Tuesday like he said he would. So let's see how today goes!

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