
I quit due to mental health reasons but am struggling to work my notice period.

I’ve worked for this company for just over a month. I recently quit as the job was making my mental health tank quicker than it already was. I was having to deal with rude customers, constantly being run off my feet because there was too much to do and not enough people (it was too the point where customers were noticing), burning myself because they only gave a tea towel to take out 75C degree metal pans out of the oven and constantly having to stay 15+ minutes after every closing shift. Everytime i’d come home from work, i could barely walk and was in tears from pain as I wasn’t allowed to sit down or even just have a quick 2 minute break for 4 hours straight. I would’ve mentioned this to a manager however, I haven’t seen a singular one of them since I started due to them…

I’ve worked for this company for just over a month. I recently quit as the job was making my mental health tank quicker than it already was. I was having to deal with rude customers, constantly being run off my feet because there was too much to do and not enough people (it was too the point where customers were noticing), burning myself because they only gave a tea towel to take out 75C degree metal pans out of the oven and constantly having to stay 15+ minutes after every closing shift. Everytime i’d come home from work, i could barely walk and was in tears from pain as I wasn’t allowed to sit down or even just have a quick 2 minute break for 4 hours straight.

I would’ve mentioned this to a manager however, I haven’t seen a singular one of them since I started due to them all taking holiday every other week and barely checking in with my department. My manager actually admitted to not supporting my department as much as he should because he thought they had it all sorted when in reality it was just a bunch of teenagers rushing around trying to do the best with what we were given.

Anyways, I gave in my notice period which was 1 week, however, I had to call in sick as a cyst on my ovary burst due to my period. Today, I went to work, however, right as I was about to get on the bus, I just tanked and became extremely suicidal and all I could do was sob in the bathroom as I had a panic attack. Ultimately, I just clocked out and decided to put myself first as I knew I wouldn’t have been able to see anyone or do anything.

I’m meant to go in for two more days. I’m scared that the same thing will happen. I would call in sick but I have already used all my sick days and I’m worried I will get into some trouble. I’m just needing some advice on how to get through this.

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