
I wanna quit my job but I feel bad and I don’t want people hating me

So I just got out of college in May. My friend referred me to the company she is working at, it’s a very small company but they needed freshers to join. I applied and got hired (because of my friends referral). Since it is a small company, I was made aware the CEO/boss is looking for people who don’t wanna go back to school since they will be spending their time and money on training us. There were around 4-5 freshers hired and we started in March. We trained on supply chain (the company helps with supply chain solutions) about 8-10 hours a week. Starting May he wanted us to come in proper 9-5 but the problem is there was no work to do since we were still trainees and we haven’t been assigned to a project. We came in and literally sat from 9-5 doing nothing, and we were…

So I just got out of college in May. My friend referred me to the company she is working at, it’s a very small company but they needed freshers to join. I applied and got hired (because of my friends referral). Since it is a small company, I was made aware the CEO/boss is looking for people who don’t wanna go back to school since they will be spending their time and money on training us.

There were around 4-5 freshers hired and we started in March. We trained on supply chain (the company helps with supply chain solutions) about 8-10 hours a week. Starting May he wanted us to come in proper 9-5 but the problem is there was no work to do since we were still trainees and we haven’t been assigned to a project. We came in and literally sat from 9-5 doing nothing, and we were still getting paid the amount from our training period because we weren’t working on any active projects.

Comes June and 1 girl quit and 2 of the trainees have been assigned to a project. The two that have been assigned are more experienced than me so I get it…but I still haven’t been assigned to a project. July is almost over and I’m still going to the office from like 10-4ish and I just sit and do nothing. I feel like I’m wasting my time so I want to quit.

The problem is, I was made aware in the beginning that since it is a smaller company it’ll take longer for projects to be assigned. Also I feel bad that he spent time and money on me just to quit. And I also don’t want my friend to hate me because I’m leaving after her referral. Idk what to say or what to do but I really need to go…please help

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