
I was fired from my toxic job this morning.

I had intended to quit next Wednesday without notice and start my new job on Thursday, so it was fine that I used my sick days on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I informed my boss via text and provided a doctor's note. However, when I arrived at work today and clocked in, my boss called me into HR and fired me immediately. They offered me two weeks of severance pay, which I found confusing because I thought severance pay was typically offered to laid-off employees. Perhaps the company was concerned about potential wrongful termination accusations due to firing an employee right after sick leave with a doctor's note. I have a new job starting on Thursday, so I'm wondering if I'm still eligible for the severance pay while working there. Additionally, I'm concerned about how this situation may impact my future employment prospects. Would it have been better if I…

I had intended to quit next Wednesday without notice and start my new job on Thursday, so it was fine that I used my sick days on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I informed my boss via text and provided a doctor's note. However, when I arrived at work today and clocked in, my boss called me into HR and fired me immediately. They offered me two weeks of severance pay, which I found confusing because I thought severance pay was typically offered to laid-off employees. Perhaps the company was concerned about potential wrongful termination accusations due to firing an employee right after sick leave with a doctor's note.

I have a new job starting on Thursday, so I'm wondering if I'm still eligible for the severance pay while working there. Additionally, I'm concerned about how this situation may impact my future employment prospects. Would it have been better if I had quit on my own instead of being fired?

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