
I was physically crapping and puking in the parking lot and the boss refused to let me inside to go home.

I used to work for Walmart (my first job) and I still consider it one of the worst experiences of my life with how they treated me. I was a cart pusher for 2 years and one time, it was a Sunday night, and the store was 24 hours, so people were constantly coming and going. I was the only cart pusher available that night and the cart machine we used was broke….again. so I was doing it all by hand. I had caught something that was making me sick to my stomach. We had a particularly asshole of a manager who no one except management liked. Anyway I was pushing carts and trying to use the restroom cause I was sick. This manager would stand at the only open door and refuse to let me inside “until the entire lot was empty” at a 24 hour store? Seriously? Anyway,…

I used to work for Walmart (my first job) and I still consider it one of the worst experiences of my life with how they treated me. I was a cart pusher for 2 years and one time, it was a Sunday night, and the store was 24 hours, so people were constantly coming and going. I was the only cart pusher available that night and the cart machine we used was broke….again. so I was doing it all by hand. I had caught something that was making me sick to my stomach. We had a particularly asshole of a manager who no one except management liked. Anyway I was pushing carts and trying to use the restroom cause I was sick. This manager would stand at the only open door and refuse to let me inside “until the entire lot was empty” at a 24 hour store? Seriously? Anyway, I finally managed to sneak inside when he had to go to the bathroom, an hour and a half after my shift was over, because he also wouldn't let me leave until the lot was empty. I had to literally sneak and hide to get to the time clock at the back of the store. As soon as I clocked out, he saw me and told me to get back outside. Thank God my parents were there to pick me up. When my mom told him I was very sick, he scoffed and said I was lying and I was slacking. I didn't even look at him and I shuffled to the car.

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