
I was set up to fail in my new position

I’ve been working at my current job for about a year and a half. Was the best person on my old position, but it wasn’t paying enough and I was doing 95% of the work while the rest of the “team” ran back and forth between bathrooms. I finally applied for a different position, got it, and was supposed to start training. Now this is a plant job, so I’m not supposed to do anything without being trained, and training was supposed to last for 1 month. I got 6 hours where my trainer didn’t even speak to me and was thrown into my own module with no idea what I’m doing and constantly being yelled at for not being able to keep up. I honestly feel like I was set up to fail. My supervisor is the one who decided which module I’ll be in every shift and he…

I’ve been working at my current job for about a year and a half. Was the best person on my old position, but it wasn’t paying enough and I was doing 95% of the work while the rest of the “team” ran back and forth between bathrooms. I finally applied for a different position, got it, and was supposed to start training.

Now this is a plant job, so I’m not supposed to do anything without being trained, and training was supposed to last for 1 month. I got 6 hours where my trainer didn’t even speak to me and was thrown into my own module with no idea what I’m doing and constantly being yelled at for not being able to keep up.

I honestly feel like I was set up to fail. My supervisor is the one who decided which module I’ll be in every shift and he knew I had zero training. I don’t know if it’s true, but it seems to me like he wanted me to fail at the job so I would get sent back to my old position, which would take away a chunk of my pay, and put me back in the same situation where I was doing all the work.

Im frustrated, I’m going to be going home as soon as 1am hits, and I’m about to start looking for a new job. I just can’t keep fighting with these assholes every single night.

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