
I was terminated for resigning from my job for health reasons

I have mental illness. Which makes holding down an office/computer job or any job difficult. At my most recent employer, I had worked there for 4 years. I had generally good or better reviews, including annual raises. Near the end of my time there, there were several co-workers who started acting rude towards me. This was around the time that several people were hired, including a peer and my new boss. I ended up suffering from a psychotic episode and spent some time in the hospital. I immediately requests FMLA. I essentially suffered from a mental health episode for 6+ months. When my FMLA exhausted, I was still recovering in an out patient program. I talked to my HR rep an explained that my health condition was preventing me from returning to work, so I felt that I should resign from my job. The HR rep (who I previously had…

I have mental illness. Which makes holding down an office/computer job or any job difficult. At my most recent employer, I had worked there for 4 years. I had generally good or better reviews, including annual raises. Near the end of my time there, there were several co-workers who started acting rude towards me. This was around the time that several people were hired, including a peer and my new boss. I ended up suffering from a psychotic episode and spent some time in the hospital. I immediately requests FMLA. I essentially suffered from a mental health episode for 6+ months. When my FMLA exhausted, I was still recovering in an out patient program. I talked to my HR rep an explained that my health condition was preventing me from returning to work, so I felt that I should resign from my job. The HR rep (who I previously had a decent status with) had a change of attitude towards me as well, especially because I wrote a resignation letter. The resignation process turned into the route of employment termination. Does this mean that I couldn't quit from my job without my employer countering this action and firing me? Was I fired for being on FMLA? Fast forward 1.5 years later and I'm still applying for disability from social security; I'm much better than what I was 2.5 to 2.0 years ago, but I still suffer from mental illness, and I don't want my job triggering a mental illness episode again. Sometimes I feel like I'm just wasting my time waiting to hear from social security, why don't I look for a job? I wonder if I would be able to. But what if I have a psychotic episode again? Does the termination aspect of my resignation mean that I might have qualified for unemployment?

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