
I work 4 x 4. Employer changed my rotation right before my weekends started.

My job is very emotionally exhausting. I work with youth in a home who are too unsafe to go into foster homes and won’t be taken by their family – usually because of violence, sometimes extreme. It’s also shift work so 2 days 2 nights directly back to back. 4 days off. Repeat. I’ve been working my job for 2 months now. I finally landed on my weekends after working every weekend this summer and not seeing my family often and I was so excited. I got the schedule and my supervisor restarted my rotation so I’m working all weekends again the next few weeks. I called him and he basically refused to change it and said ‘that’s how it has to be in this area of work’. I told him I don’t want this happening to me again because I deserve family time and weekends too and he said…

My job is very emotionally exhausting. I work with youth in a home who are too unsafe to go into foster homes and won’t be taken by their family – usually because of violence, sometimes extreme.
It’s also shift work so 2 days 2 nights directly back to back. 4 days off. Repeat.

I’ve been working my job for 2 months now.
I finally landed on my weekends after working every weekend this summer and not seeing my family often and I was so excited.

I got the schedule and my supervisor restarted my rotation so I’m working all weekends again the next few weeks.

I called him and he basically refused to change it and said ‘that’s how it has to be in this area of work’. I told him I don’t want this happening to me again because I deserve family time and weekends too and he said he can’t promise me anything.

My mental health feels like it’s suffering because my family works Monday to Friday and I never see them anymore. And my partner travels for work and I won’t see him this months again because he’s always back for weekends.

I feel lonely and I spend my days taking care of youth who struggle , I do shift work, and I’m just tired overall.

It’s not the job I hate but it’s the management and my supervisor is very inconsiderate.

I hate that I have people controlling what feels like to be every aspect of my life. I hate that we are expected to not question it or speak up.

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