
Identity Politics

This sub is the one I find most restorative, but I feel like we can do better. If some fuckhead customer treats you like shit, I don’t need to know their gender because you labeled them a Karen. If some co-worker or boss sucks, I don’t need to know their age or if they’re a boomer. Dropping these specifics breaks down solidarity and raises the hackles of potential allies. You’re down with workers or you’re down with capital, other than that let’s build some solidarity- ‘cause the other side sure is.

This sub is the one I find most restorative, but I feel like we can do better. If some fuckhead customer treats you like shit, I don’t need to know their gender because you labeled them a Karen. If some co-worker or boss sucks, I don’t need to know their age or if they’re a boomer. Dropping these specifics breaks down solidarity and raises the hackles of potential allies. You’re down with workers or you’re down with capital, other than that let’s build some solidarity- ‘cause the other side sure is.

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