
I’m always told I’m the problem when I know I’m not

So I’ve worked a number of places in my life I’ve always been told I’m the problem when I know I’m not and then people get upset when I call them up for them being in the wrong. I work for an electrical contractor I drove an hour one way this morning and drove an hour back the other way jut to be left in the dark and told we are working nights now. I’m always having to switch jobs because I’m sick of people saying I’m the problem because they mishandled something. I’ve only been in the field for a year in and a few months yet when I get wrote up for being too slow I tell them I’ve never done this before nor do I know how it works that’s why someone is supposed to teach me. In part of three a man crew on the job…

So I’ve worked a number of places in my life I’ve always been told I’m the problem when I know I’m not and then people get upset when I call them up for them being in the wrong. I work for an electrical contractor I drove an hour one way this morning and drove an hour back the other way jut to be left in the dark and told we are working nights now. I’m always having to switch jobs because I’m sick of people saying I’m the problem because they mishandled something. I’ve only been in the field for a year in and a few months yet when I get wrote up for being too slow I tell them I’ve never done this before nor do I know how it works that’s why someone is supposed to teach me. In part of three a man crew on the job we all get written up because between the three of us combined we may have 6 years worth of experience and we all have never done what we are currently working on. Im upset how I’m always told I’m the problem yet nobody owns up to how the mishandled a Situation or process yet I get the blame and brunt of it. I’m tired of being blamed and told I’m the problem for other peoples mistakes and mishandling. What do I do to make people realize it’s not me? My wife says the same I’m the problem for other peoples mistakes how in the hell does your own wife say that even? I’m hurt and upset and feel like I will never get anywhere because everyone is against me.

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