
I’m as good as dead

I'm still a student but I have spent almost my entire working slave job at my parent's print house, in the 2 decades there I have earned an equivalent of a dollar and 20 cents, I'm currently running out of money and forage for food so I can extend the clock a little further, I was ment to go aboard to a friend of mine in France to earn some money so I do not have to worry about starving to death in the graduation year but their partner denied me staying for longer than a week, I have asked many other friends if I could come to them as wages in my country are abysmal and only one person did, however the ticket prices are more than any of us could afford in many months to come. I've been working the slave Labour for my parents otherwise I get…

I'm still a student but I have spent almost my entire working slave job at my parent's print house, in the 2 decades there I have earned an equivalent of a dollar and 20 cents, I'm currently running out of money and forage for food so I can extend the clock a little further, I was ment to go aboard to a friend of mine in France to earn some money so I do not have to worry about starving to death in the graduation year but their partner denied me staying for longer than a week, I have asked many other friends if I could come to them as wages in my country are abysmal and only one person did, however the ticket prices are more than any of us could afford in many months to come.
I've been working the slave Labour for my parents otherwise I get beaten into oblivion, hell most things I do I get abused to hell and back
I do not know what to do anymore, I have been incomprehencibly burnt out and thanks to school and slave work I have not had time to paint in a while now

I have been suffering from severe depression for the past 6 years and have had multiple suicide attempts, sometimes multiple in a single year and as things get worse with each passing day the more I think that I'm as good as dead.

If anyone would like to share anything I could do to survive till I can move out next year, please do.

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