
I’m being targeted and harassed at work. What can I do?

I am a janitor, working for a janitorial company that contracts itself out to various locations. I clean at a school. One of the teachers is an absolute witch to the point I was warned about her when I moved to this location. She harassed the previous janitor so much that the janitor requested to be moved to a different location. She has also tried to frame another janitor for stealing her personal items and get them fired. (The school staff investigated this and nothing had been stolen). I've been working here for over a year and she has been nothing but rude to me. Normally I just ignore her best I can and do my job. These past few weeks though, she's been escalating things. The most contentious thing is her trash. She's constantly complaining I never take out her trash. Many days she leaves her classroom locked, I…

I am a janitor, working for a janitorial company that contracts itself out to various locations. I clean at a school. One of the teachers is an absolute witch to the point I was warned about her when I moved to this location. She harassed the previous janitor so much that the janitor requested to be moved to a different location. She has also tried to frame another janitor for stealing her personal items and get them fired. (The school staff investigated this and nothing had been stolen).
I've been working here for over a year and she has been nothing but rude to me. Normally I just ignore her best I can and do my job. These past few weeks though, she's been escalating things.

The most contentious thing is her trash. She's constantly complaining I never take out her trash. Many days she leaves her classroom locked, I do not have any keys. I have told her multiple times we are not given keys to the classrooms, so if she locks it up I cannot clean it. Yet she continues to lock it and then yell at me when he trash hadn't been emptied.
2 weeks ago, I had checked her room 5 separate times before lunch and it was locked each time. The 6th time I came to check, she stormed out of the room, threw her bag of trash in to my cart so hard it tipped over, then left without attempting to pick up any of the things she had strewn all over the floor. She then immediately went to my coworker to complain about me, saying she has to do my job for me.
Since then, I have kept timestamps of every single time I've checked her room, as well as taken pictures of her empty trash can every time I take it out. Earlier this morning she throws a bag of trash in to the hallway as I'm passing by and says “You never take out my damn trash. You know they've installed new cameras so I can tell em and they'll see you're not doing your job.”
I have a photo of her clean classroom and empty trash cans from 35 minutes prior to that altercation.

I said absolutely nothing to her, picked up the trash, and continued on with what I was doing. My coworker just informed me that she sees that teacher taking trash out of other classrooms and bringing it in to hers. So this woman is literally taking other people's trash in to her classroom so that she can say I havent cleaned.

My boss knows about all of this, and has the timestamps and photos so he knows I'm doing my job. My boss has brought it up to her boss, who apparently just said “She's crazy, try and ignore her.” So I have no fear of actually being fired for her doing this. I am, however, sick and tired of being treated this way and wondering if she's doing anything illegal/punishable. She has literally said to my face that “you're just a janitor, I have two degrees. Which one of us is more easily replaced?”
She thinks she's so much smarter than everyone else and that she's untouchable. I'd love to prove her wrong

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