
“I’m not buying you a vacuum. God gave you hands. Use them.”

I had to crawl around a very large data center cleaning the floor by hand because my manager wants to teach us tough love. Other things that have happened to me… Several team members call out regularly, and we are staffed 24/7. I have regularly covered shifts, nights and weekends. One time a few months ago I was unable to do it. I offered to stay 2 hours aftwr my shift to help. I was reprimanded, and for months it has been thrown in my face. My widowed mother was sick and I drove to her house every night that week to check in on her after work. He brought this up again today, in an attempt to intimidate me in doing what he says by cleaning the very large room by hand. The only time in 5 years I called out was due to snow. I left 1.5 hours…

I had to crawl around a very large data center cleaning the floor by hand because my manager wants to teach us tough love. Other things that have happened to me…

  • Several team members call out regularly, and we are staffed 24/7. I have regularly covered shifts, nights and weekends. One time a few months ago I was unable to do it. I offered to stay 2 hours aftwr my shift to help. I was reprimanded, and for months it has been thrown in my face. My widowed mother was sick and I drove to her house every night that week to check in on her after work. He brought this up again today, in an attempt to intimidate me in doing what he says by cleaning the very large room by hand.

  • The only time in 5 years I called out was due to snow. I left 1.5 hours earlier than I normally do. The roads were buried in snow. My car got stuck and I needed to get out to clear my rear windshield. A car came skidding over the hill and was within a few feet of running me over. I called my manager in a panic and told him I was nearly run over. He began shouting at me telling me to keep driving in.

  • One coworker sits in the bathroom for an hour every morning, refuses and ignores work. I was reprimanded for complaining because he's been there 10 years and I've only been there 5.

  • I used to work night shift. I was promises a day shift role, but my manager lied and pulled the offer two times before putting me on days. It took 6 months from the time he originally promised to do so. He's still mad at me for being upset.

I'm ready to gtfo this company. My boss is such a jackass.

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