
i’m not sure what to do.. anyone have any ideas/feedback?

i have ADA accommodations to have 2 additional unpaid 15 min breaks and to leave early up to 2 times per month. when i would leave early, it would seriously be my last resort, like i’m going to die type last resort. i did not know that they were going to take from my PTO whenever i would use the accommodation:( maybe i should have clarified and knew exactly what was happening but this is my first job ever and i’m just not very experienced. i had also called in sick the day after a holiday and was forced to give up my pto to over the holiday. (policy says if you call in sick before and after a holiday they take away holiday pay) i asked for a pay deduction instead but they declined. i just kinda feel like i’m being punished for trying to save my life?i’m sorry…

i have ADA accommodations to have 2 additional unpaid 15 min breaks and to leave early up to 2 times per month. when i would leave early, it would seriously be my last resort, like i’m going to die type last resort.

i did not know that they were going to take from my PTO whenever i would use the accommodation:( maybe i should have clarified and knew exactly what was happening but this is my first job ever and i’m just not very experienced. i had also called in sick the day after a holiday and was forced to give up my pto to over the holiday. (policy says if you call in sick before and after a holiday they take away holiday pay) i asked for a pay deduction instead but they declined.

i just kinda feel like i’m being punished for trying to save my life?i’m sorry if that sounds dramatic haha. i feel that taking from my PTO just makes it so i need to call out sick more often as there is no way for me to rest to prevent an episode of my health issue.

please let me know if there’s anything i can do? or if you have been in similar situations?

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