
I”m on my third week of working my new and old position and not even one person has been interviewed to take my old position yet.

About three weeks ago a coworker put in her one week notice and since I've done a day or two of training for this position when another coworker had quit but decided to come back my manager had her train me for her last week. I trained for half the day with her and then worked on my old position tasks the other half. One she left it switched to me just doing the new position and old position each for half the day. I've received no more training, was laughed at by my manager when I asked for $20 an hour for the new position even though there's postings for this same job for $26 an hour for experienced people. I know a coworker who was hired at $20 an hour with no experience just a couple months ago. I was given $19.50 so I still took it since…

About three weeks ago a coworker put in her one week notice and since I've done a day or two of training for this position when another coworker had quit but decided to come back my manager had her train me for her last week. I trained for half the day with her and then worked on my old position tasks the other half. One she left it switched to me just doing the new position and old position each for half the day.

I've received no more training, was laughed at by my manager when I asked for $20 an hour for the new position even though there's postings for this same job for $26 an hour for experienced people. I know a coworker who was hired at $20 an hour with no experience just a couple months ago. I was given $19.50 so I still took it since it was still pretty close to $20.

I'm not expected to keep up with all my tasks, however I am falling behind really fast and feel bad for the person who is going to walk into the mess that is getting left behind since I've received no extra help. I'm also going to have to work really hard to catch up on the tasks for my new position as well once I no longer have to work my old position.

Just yesterday my manager made a comment about how she should of hired someone for my new position instead since she has gotten plenty of resumes for that position but none for my old one. Then sighed and said she had already given the position to me so that wouldn't work anyway.

I'm just so fed up with this. In a little less than a month I am expecting my mom and two siblings to come visit from out of state and would really like to take a couple days off to spend time with them but I'm afraid my pto wont be approved because I'll either still be working both positions or trying to catch up on tasks.

I used to respect my manager but she's shown so little care towards me these last few weeks that I've decided to just get my experience for a year or so then go elsewhere.

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