
I’m reading a book on free speech and this came up, food for thought

It only takes a few instances of ‘cancellation’ in any given workplace to create the kind of atmosphere in which remaining employees are intimidated into toeing the line. This is not a direct violation of free speech – companies are entitled to insist on speech codes, and those who work for them are entitled to resign if they disapprove – but frequently employers are capitulating to complaints that have been made maliciously in order to punish people for their opinions rather than any genuine breach of contract.

It only takes a few instances of ‘cancellation’ in any given workplace to create the kind of atmosphere in which remaining employees are intimidated into toeing the line. This is not a direct violation of free speech – companies are entitled to insist on speech codes, and those who work for them are entitled to resign if they disapprove – but frequently employers are capitulating to complaints that have been made maliciously in order to punish people for their opinions rather than any genuine breach of contract.

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