
I’m tired of people shitting on unions

Honestly. People who are in the work force and are in unions and keep saying how unions are a “liberal agenda” or “commie collectors” are just fucking morons. These are the people who vote in a union then sit back and do absolute fuck all to help change the way they should be treated. They’re so fucking entitled that they expect change to land in their lap. No you dumbass, it starts by YOU being at the table, YOU voting towards better deals. Not just fucking sitting there and expecting the company will just magically give you $100/hr. Like, go fuck yourself.

Honestly. People who are in the work force and are in unions and keep saying how unions are a “liberal agenda” or “commie collectors” are just fucking morons. These are the people who vote in a union then sit back and do absolute fuck all to help change the way they should be treated. They’re so fucking entitled that they expect change to land in their lap. No you dumbass, it starts by YOU being at the table, YOU voting towards better deals. Not just fucking sitting there and expecting the company will just magically give you $100/hr. Like, go fuck yourself.

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