
Insanely anal retentive manager

Hi guys, I recently scored a job in my dream career path (buy side investing). I am getting exposure to a ton of really interesting topics but I am coming to find the actual scope of the work to be excessively tedious, based on the processes designed by my manager who has been there for 10 years. She is the type of person who would color code in 12 different colors to study for exams, just to completely not understand the subject material beyond the lowest level needed to pass. I on the other hand am extremely ADD. I love to solve problems and I am highly sophisticated in my field from independent study outside of school. I literally cannot take it. Every single email I get requires me to place things in completely meaningless and specific file locations which are are moronically designed and have absolutely no logical cohesion.…

Hi guys,

I recently scored a job in my dream career path (buy side investing). I am getting exposure to a ton of really interesting topics but I am coming to find the actual scope of the work to be excessively tedious, based on the processes designed by my manager who has been there for 10 years.

She is the type of person who would color code in 12 different colors to study for exams, just to completely not understand the subject material beyond the lowest level needed to pass.

I on the other hand am extremely ADD. I love to solve problems and I am highly sophisticated in my field from independent study outside of school.

I literally cannot take it. Every single email I get requires me to place things in completely meaningless and specific file locations which are are moronically designed and have absolutely no logical cohesion. Nobody even reads them. Every single process I've been told to do involves 5+ checks to other old docs to see EXACTLY HOW SHE WOULD DO IT, color coding, specific nuanced notes and label conventions etc, just to fucking take a pdf and put it in a folder. I am going absolutely insane. She is constantly emailing me “hey did you do this yet” literal seconds after emails come in and she already MOMENTS AGO told me to do another process. Please someone give me advice on how to deal with someone like this. I'm certain that 99% of the actual workflow here is completely meaningless and only serves to placate her OCD obsessions with “organizing” [nothing feels ergonomic or logical, nearly every process has some component which she made up and is not documented anywhere]. It's making me feel inadequate despite me literally being more educated on the actual subject matter than this person. I am able to provide meaningful input to high level conversations with her boss which she is incapable of doing. She just wants to count beans all day and seems like she doesn't even like investing. When asked for input in meetings she will give the most canned nothing answers possible.

It's making me resent this job and I've only been here for a few months. The other guy I work with (also been there 10 years) is so relaxed. If a document isn't in its 30 layer Russian doll box and he needs it, he will just come back later.

Please send help.

She is starting to treat me like I'm an idiot, while the other guy who is slightly higher up than her is praising me and putting me on cool one-off projects but I don't really interact with him that much. I'm starting to just hate her stupid face ahhhhhh.

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