
Instead of telling me what I was doing wrong, they fired me.

Which would be understandable if it was like HUGE fuckup. I’m actually gonna kind of apologize because this will be my second post about about it so I apologize if I’m spamming. But out of nowhere I got let go when I thought everything was going great! It was an office job and hear-say is that you’re encouraged to find solutions on your own rather than ask when there it something you can’t figure out. Called “working independently”. I found this out AFTER being let go. Yes, I’m being a bit vague but if I was not “being independent” enough, would have been too much to ask to inform me so I could have a chance get my act together before they gave me the boot? (Yes, you’re only getting my perspective on this, so perhaps there is some thing I didn’t realize I did wrong that really was REALLY…

Which would be understandable if it was like HUGE fuckup.

I’m actually gonna kind of apologize because this will be my second post about about it so I apologize if I’m spamming. But out of nowhere I got let go when I thought everything was going great!

It was an office job and hear-say is that you’re encouraged to find solutions on your own rather than ask when there it something you can’t figure out. Called “working independently”. I found this out AFTER being let go.

Yes, I’m being a bit vague but if I was not “being independent” enough, would have been too much to ask to inform me so I could have a chance get my act together before they gave me the boot?

(Yes, you’re only getting my perspective on this, so perhaps there is some thing I didn’t realize I did wrong that really was REALLY BAD. But I’d like to think I would’ve at least been told what it was.)


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