
It finally happened…. no more Remote/Hybrid for American office…

Pretty much the title, my team is all American except for myself and another engineer, we reside in another country and work remote. ​ Yesterday everyone on my team got an emergency meeting notification and lo and behold, all Americans were required to go back to the office effective immediately. With the pandemic over it is time to come back, no more hybrid even, no exceptions, that was pretty much the message from management… ​ This does not affect me in any way, just kind of weird, productivity was at an all time high… ​ I get it though, if you can go 100% remote just get cheaper labor from another country, more experienced engineers with the same level of English…. for the price of a level 2 American engineer you can get 1 or 2 Senior engineers with perfect English from another country… ​ Hybrid makes more sense to…

Pretty much the title, my team is all American except for myself and another engineer, we reside in another country and work remote.

Yesterday everyone on my team got an emergency meeting notification and lo and behold, all Americans were required to go back to the office effective immediately. With the pandemic over it is time to come back, no more hybrid even, no exceptions, that was pretty much the message from management…

This does not affect me in any way, just kind of weird, productivity was at an all time high…

I get it though, if you can go 100% remote just get cheaper labor from another country, more experienced engineers with the same level of English…. for the price of a level 2 American engineer you can get 1 or 2 Senior engineers with perfect English from another country…

Hybrid makes more sense to me since some engineers need to test prototypes in-house, but it boggles my mind why they would force EVERYONE back given the increased output in productivity…. SMH

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