
It is time we unite and start a movement for better working conditions

I am looking for a few people interested in being at the forefront of starting a movement to work towards the common goals oft stated in this forum. Corruption and oligarchs have essentially turned the USA into a glorified feudal system and the majority of workers could easily be compared to indentured servants. While I don't believe many exist in this subreddit, I'm not looking for the “get something for nothing crowd”. Most of us want fair compensation for our labor and our tax dollars to work for us rather than being given to corporations and the military industrial complex. I have laid some groundwork and have 2 friends involved with me, but I believe we need a larger inner circle to get this going. At this point no information has been made public, but I will happily send information to those interested. Once launched, everything we do will be…

I am looking for a few people interested in being at the forefront of starting a movement to work towards the common goals oft stated in this forum. Corruption and oligarchs have essentially turned the USA into a glorified feudal system and the majority of workers could easily be compared to indentured servants. While I don't believe many exist in this subreddit, I'm not looking for the “get something for nothing crowd”. Most of us want fair compensation for our labor and our tax dollars to work for us rather than being given to corporations and the military industrial complex.

I have laid some groundwork and have 2 friends involved with me, but I believe we need a larger inner circle to get this going. At this point no information has been made public, but I will happily send information to those interested.

Once launched, everything we do will be legal, nonviolent and well-planned. If we are going to make a difference we must take the high road, no matter the circumstances. Feel free to reply to this thread or DM if interested. Also feel free to discuss ideas in this thread.

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