
It’s my boss, or it’s me

I refuse to work for her any longer. A month ago I herniated my L4/L5, my L3/L4 is bulging. I ended up needing an ambulance ride to the hospital and was kept overnight for pain management and observation of any spinal cord syndrome. My boss texted me the entire time about how badly her back was hurt from her massage that was gifted to her. From there, it's been a spiral down. She has been aggressive in emails to me if I don't respond within 10 minutes, even if I'm in a training. She has demeaned and embarrassed me in emails with 9 others attached that aren't even in our department, to the point her counterpart in our sister company stood up for me. And then once my boss was called out on being wrong by someone else,, apparently the entire thing wasn't even a big deal or the end…

I refuse to work for her any longer. A month ago I herniated my L4/L5, my L3/L4 is bulging. I ended up needing an ambulance ride to the hospital and was kept overnight for pain management and observation of any spinal cord syndrome. My boss texted me the entire time about how badly her back was hurt from her massage that was gifted to her.

From there, it's been a spiral down. She has been aggressive in emails to me if I don't respond within 10 minutes, even if I'm in a training. She has demeaned and embarrassed me in emails with 9 others attached that aren't even in our department, to the point her counterpart in our sister company stood up for me. And then once my boss was called out on being wrong by someone else,, apparently the entire thing wasn't even a big deal or the end of the world.

I submitted a 10 point formal complaint about her, I let HR know the reason my coworkers haven't complained is their fear nothing will happen and then retaliation, but they'll be happy to talk. I let them read the complaint so they know what's coming during interviews.

If she's not fired, I have already begun applying for any and every job out there. I will not work for someone who blames their employees, sets them up for failure, ruins their reputation across departments because she's slacking, and thinks everything is a passive aggressive comment towards her. You get what you put into this world, enjoy eating shit.

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