
It’s time to take back our power. Let’s get rid of student loans.

You wanna know the best way to get them to finally forgive student debt? Stop paying. It's time we organize. Not right now, but it's time to prepare. We can either wait for a messiah political figure that will be able to unite politics and actually get stuff done for the people, or we can force them. Our country should want us to be educated, it's going to increase our value, power and wealth overall. Problem is corporate (ceo's of colleges) are only focused on the profits next quarter. So what CAN we do? Well, in 2008 there was a financial collapse because of precarious investments into real estate. Eventually reality caught up and the money to pay off the loans was found out to simply not be there. It collapsed the whole economy. Now student loans are becoming ridiculous, and that's because of the ridiculous increases of prices in…

You wanna know the best way to get them to finally forgive student debt? Stop paying.

It's time we organize. Not right now, but it's time to prepare. We can either wait for a messiah political figure that will be able to unite politics and actually get stuff done for the people, or we can force them.

Our country should want us to be educated, it's going to increase our value, power and wealth overall. Problem is corporate (ceo's of colleges) are only focused on the profits next quarter.

So what CAN we do? Well, in 2008 there was a financial collapse because of precarious investments into real estate. Eventually reality caught up and the money to pay off the loans was found out to simply not be there. It collapsed the whole economy.

Now student loans are becoming ridiculous, and that's because of the ridiculous increases of prices in tuition. Not because it was needed, but because they could. Especially if the government would just foot the bill initially no matter what.

If everybody stopped and just refused to pay their student loans all at once, we threaten a huge recession. That's the only language that these guys talk. If we stand together and say we're not paying, and never will, those loans, and people invested into that debt are f***ed. And the government will 100% bail put the economy, and will be forced to restructure everything.

Preservation of Capitalism will always come first for them. So let's threaten them right where it hurts. $1.78 trillion of the market (And that's just US. I ask Canada to join too).

The important part is we somehow organize to do it at the same time.

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