
I’ve been quiet quitting for over a year before I knew what it was. Now I’ve taken it to another level.

I've been at my current occupation since late 2021. Within a couple weeks I learned it wasn't what I thought it would be but I've stayed because there really are great benefits and I earn $30/hr in a LCOL area. I'm in a management position in IT. I still handle technical things at the office but our “techs” are contracted out. So most of the technical things go to them and I handle other issues. It's such a dead end, mind numbing position with a lot of “scratch mine, I'll scratch yours”, favoritism, and a dash of corruption for a public service organization. My days are so long and empty that I feel useless and I'm just wasting away. If I could WFH, it would be easier but the higher ups won't allow that. I had already decided to leave a long time ago. I've looked around for a while…

I've been at my current occupation since late 2021. Within a couple weeks I learned it wasn't what I thought it would be but I've stayed because there really are great benefits and I earn $30/hr in a LCOL area.

I'm in a management position in IT. I still handle technical things at the office but our “techs” are contracted out. So most of the technical things go to them and I handle other issues.

It's such a dead end, mind numbing position with a lot of “scratch mine, I'll scratch yours”, favoritism, and a dash of corruption for a public service organization. My days are so long and empty that I feel useless and I'm just wasting away. If I could WFH, it would be easier but the higher ups won't allow that. I had already decided to leave a long time ago. I've looked around for a while but the positions all seem like more of the same.

Well, over the past month I've been taking my laptop to the office and brushing up on my skills for which my degree is in but also working a certification to hopefully pivot into a different side of IT that will be much more flexible and earn more to support my family. $30/hr is enough to hold our heads above water but we still feel the pressure of inflation.

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