
Job asking for doctors note after 2 days

I started at this place only 3 weeks ago but I came down with a terrible stomach bug Wednesday night, so I called out yesterday and today. Last night when I let my supervisor know I wasn’t feeling any better, she said “so are you coming in?” My position is an assistant at a high volume doctors office, and most days you can’t even use the bathroom until lunch because it’s that busy. At 11 AM today she sends me a text saying she’ll need a doctor’s note from me on Monday. I used 2 floating holidays as my sick days because my state doesn’t have a sick leave policy. I looked through the employee handbook and it says nothing about requiring a doctors note in my state. There is a policy for a few other states but that’s after 3 consecutive absences. There’s been a million red flags with…

I started at this place only 3 weeks ago but I came down with a terrible stomach bug Wednesday night, so I called out yesterday and today. Last night when I let my supervisor know I wasn’t feeling any better, she said “so are you coming in?” My position is an assistant at a high volume doctors office, and most days you can’t even use the bathroom until lunch because it’s that busy. At 11 AM today she sends me a text saying she’ll need a doctor’s note from me on Monday. I used 2 floating holidays as my sick days because my state doesn’t have a sick leave policy. I looked through the employee handbook and it says nothing about requiring a doctors note in my state. There is a policy for a few other states but that’s after 3 consecutive absences. There’s been a million red flags with this place and I’m thinking about not going back on Monday.

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